3d rendering programs free for furnituyre
3d rendering programs free for furnituyre

3d rendering programs free for furnituyre

> Does anyone know of a good program or rendering mat package, that’s geared toward exteriors (Shrubs, trees, garden furniture, etc)? I’ve looked at almost twenty different sites that offer less than par 2d or 3d rendering objects. > I have another trivial question, however trivial it may be I should say this is the only site where I can count on reliable and accurate advice.

3d rendering programs free for furnituyre

It all really depends on what you are doing. If I had combustion availabel, however, I would probably lean heavily towards RLA/RPF formats.

3d rendering programs free for furnituyre

JPG is nice because it is common, supported by a lot of applications, and compressed tightly, but I actually prefer PNG, because I use transparency a lot. TIFF files are frequently my choice because they support alpha channels, and transparency, etc.


PDF is a very good published format for final work, but a horriblee format (IMO) for work in progress. I haven't tried any of these myself, but based on the mini-reviews, the two I am most likely to try are worldbuilder (and Vue (AS for file types - advantages and disadvantages vary according to your purpose. But viz, with some plug-ins, (like easyNat, or others for trees) works pretty well. The current issue of 3D world magazine has a buyers guide for rendeirng applications that lists 4 major applications as specifically for landscape generation (2 of those have 3 variations each, bringing the total number of products listed to 8).

3d rendering programs free for furnituyre